School Resources– Inside and Outside


While some schools boast top of the line computer equipment, other schools pride themselves on having a greater focus on sports stuff. They may even have a swimming pool on site. Some schools have top basketball teachers, or even teach kids how to train to get into dance school for example. At the end of the day though, each school has some limits in their budget so it is important to see what they are spending most of their money on and how that fits in with particular child’s needs.

For example, if your focus is on the academia, you may not want your child to be sitting at banquet tables, using outdated computer software programs, or not having proper access to the classroom blackboard (which these days is actually a digital board but it is still the same idea).

The type of resources the school chooses to have will impact your child from K-12. Remember how important outdoor resources are as well. So many people focus on the academia and leave the sport to chance. But at the end of the day, it is important to give children a start into the world of fitness and correct nutrition at an early age and that can being – positively – through playing sports at school.

Mumbai School Sports on Facebook

sportsThe Mumbai School Sports Association (MSSA) created a Facebook page in the hopes of getting kids away from classroom furniture and out on the sports field. Savio Abraham, Director of Administration at the MSSA explained that the idea of going on Facebook originated with the President of the MSSA, Fr. Jude Rodrigues.

“Rodrigues wants MSSA to be interactive with the students who play out there. And since everyone is on Facebook, we thought it was the best way to promote sports,” Abraham explained.

Rather than sitting behind a reception desk and explaining what they do, they hope that the Facebook page will reach out to 360 schools in the Mumbai region. The MSSA also wants to connect with people who played sports with the MSSA in the past. The alumni are actually the ones that add the most to the page, sharing stories about the games that they participated in.

Another goal of the page is to get much needed publicity. Not so long ago the MSSA attracted spectators in the thousands. Today the MSSA feels lucky if even 100 people show up for a game. Hopefully, if students are hooked into Facebook, they will be more inclined to get on a bus to a game to cheer on their school’s team, like what was done in the past.

One last challenge for the MSSA is to get their field covered in artificial turf instead of dirt. Such an undertaking will most like “revolutionize school sports in Mumbai,” Abraham says.